Ear Reflexology is sometimes called Auricular Acupressure or AuricularTherapy. Auricular Acupressure and Ear Reflexology use touch techniques, whereas Auricular Therapy will often use needles and will require acupuncture credentials to practice.  This intensive seventy-five-hour course is offered on weekends in person and is comprised of twenty hours of group instruction, fifteen hours of home study, and forty hours of practicum. Enrolment is limited to twelve participants ensuring plenty of personal supervision during the learning process. A complete set of course notes is provided to each participant.

The first evening of the course commences with an introduction to the holistic, historical, and theoretical context of ear reflexology - with an introduction to the ear reflexology chart. The evening is completed with a "hands-on" introduction to techniques used to stimulate the reflexes of the ears. Short nails on the thumb and index finger are required for effectiveness.

On Saturday (9 am - 6 pm), each segment of the ear is introduced with a presentation of the value of stimulating the reflex areas contained within each segment. This is interwoven with instruction in the techniques used to stimulate the reflex areas of each segment of the ears. 

Sunday (9 am - 6 pm) is a day of review and practicing the techniques to develop confidence.

At the conclusion of the course instruction, the requirements of the practicum and home study assignment are reviewed before participants set out to practice with their friends and family.

Participants submit documentation of their practice and their home study assignment for review and coaching upon completion of their practicum. Participants who are not able to submit their documentation in person submit it by mail and receive feedback by phone.

The promise of the course is that participants who satisfctorily complete the requirements will be able to practice ear reflexology competently. A certificate is awarded for the successful completion of the course.

This course, combined with the Advanced Reflexology Professional Skills Certificate Course, qualifies you to apply for professional membership with the Reflexology Association of Canada. It has been accredited by the Reflexology Association of Canada for 20 CEU's (Category R), 20 continuing education credits with the Reflexology Association of British Columbia and the Atlantic Canada Association of Reflexology Therapists, and 10 credits with the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada. U.S. students can apply to ARCB for advanced approval for Continuing Education credits. 

 Click here for the COURSE FEES & DISCOUNTS.

Click here for the COURSE SCHEDULE and/or to REGISTER.

Click here for the practicum requirement

Click here for the home study assignment.