Hai Ming (Alex) Zhu
Alex commenced his strong passion for reflexology as early as 1990, when reflexology was popular in China. As a regular customer of reflexology, Alex paid attention to observe and discuss the reflexology techniques and skills with the reflexology practitioner.
Now living in Canada, in 2015 Alex met Shirley Z. Shaw, the founder of the Big Feet Health Group in British Columbia. Shirley personally taught Alex the classic Big Feet massage, and the management of the reflexology business. In 2017, Alex officially joined the Big Feet Health Group.
In March 2018 Alex established the 18th Big Feet franchise store in Maple Ridge, BC, which has enjoyed success since then and is currently highly recommended by its clients.
In August 2018, Alex began his study of the Western approach to Reflexology with Christopher Shirley at the Pacific Institute of Reflexology, a pioneer of the practice of Reflexology in British Columbia. Subsequently, Alex completed all five training courses: Basic Holistic Hand Reflexology, Basic Holistic Foot Reflexology, Basic Holistic Ear Reflexology, Advanced Reflexology: Professional Skills, and, Advanced Reflexology: Clinical Skills.
In 2019, Alex passed the Proficiency Examination of Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC) became a Professional Member and a Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist (RCRT).
In May 2020, Alex was accepted as an Approved Practitioner with the Reflexology Association of British Columbia and subsequently became a member of the Board of Directors.
In July 2020, Alex was accepted as a Reflexology Instructor at the Pacific Institute of Reflexology and completed training to teach the Pacific Institute of Reflexology courses. Now, Alex is excited to share his knowledge and enthusiasm for Reflexology with his students.
移民加拿大后,Alex在2015年有幸结识了足王保健集团(Big Feet Health Group)的创始人Shirley Z. Shaw,Shirley亲自向Alex传授了足王的经典按摩技巧以及企业的经营和管理经验,并于2017年聘用Alex为足王保健集团CEO助理。
2018年8月,Alex师从于BC省反射疗法的先驱,太平洋反射学研究院(Pacific Institute of Reflexology)创始人---Christopher Shirley,学习和研究西方反射疗法,随后,Alex完成了学院开设的所有五门课程:手部反射疗法,足部反射疗法,耳部反射疗法,高级反射疗法专业技能和高级反射疗法临床技能。
2020年7月,Alex被太平洋反射学研究院(Pacific Institute of Reflexology)聘为反射学讲师,并顺利完成了反射学讲师的资格培训。现在,Alex很高兴可以与他的学生分享他对反射疗法的知识和热情。