The fee for each of our courses is $595.00 + GST.
The exception: Advanced Reflexology: Creating a Safe Healing Space course fee is $895.00 + GST. (First offering special discount: $300.00 + GST)
To register for a course a $100.00 deposit is required. This $100.00 is applied to the course fee.
Should it be necessary to for you to cancel a registration, the deposit is transferrable to another course within 12 months. There is a $15.00 transfer fee.
The course fee at the time of registration is honoured. Course fees are subject to change.
Basic Course Discounts
Upon attendance of one Basic Course (Foot, Hand, or Ear) with the Pacific Institute of Reflexology there is a $50.00 discount for the second or third Basic Course. The second and third courses that you attend will cost $545.00 + GST.
Repeated Attendance
If a student chooses to repeat a course for any reason the course fee is $295.00 + GST. If necessary, the student may purchase the current course notes for $25.00 + tax. Similarly, if a new copy of the home study assignment is required, it costs $25.00 + tax.
Clinical Foot Reflexology Diploma Program $1670.00 + GST.
It is necessary to register for this program in advance in order to qualify for the discounted fees. Your $300.00 deposit for the Foot Reflexology Diploma Program will be deducted in three equal amounts of $100.00 from each course fee.
When you have registered for the Diploma Program you need to register for the Basic Holistic Foot Reflexology Course. Your attendance at this course will commence your Diploma Program.
After attending the Basic Holistic Foot Reflexology Course you will attend the remaining two courses: Advanced Reflexology: Professional Skills Course and Advanced Reflexology: Clinical Skills Course in the order that works best for you. Each is offered online every six months - alternating - so, one is available every three months.
You will be charged $595.00 + GST for attending the Basic Holistic Foot Reflexology Course.
You will be charged $545.00 + GST for attending your second course.
You will be charged $530.00 + GST for attending your third and last course.
Your total cost will be $1670.00 + GST.
Upon successful completion of each course you will receive a certificate for that course.
Upon successful completion of all three courses you will be awarded your diploma.